Making sense of the Future of Search.

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Making sense of the Future of Search

Search Engine Advertising (SEA) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) have been the bedrock of digital marketing for years. But in our fast-paced online world, it’s crucial to look ahead and adapt your strategy to the latest trends and developments to stay on top. With the rise of advanced AI technologies, new search engines, and changing consumer preferences, staying updated on the latest trends is key.

In this webinar, we dive into the current state of search marketing and look forward to what the future holds. We’ll explore the key trends that will shape your marketing efforts in the coming years, such as:

• The increasing role of AI and machine learning in search engines and algorithms
• The importance of E-A-T for better rankings
• The shift towards semantic search queries
• The rise of new search engines and zero-click searches
• The growth of new ad formats
• The increasing use of AI and automation in SEA campaigns
• A potential shift from SEA to SEO due to declining ad revenues
• The future of SERP with the advent of Search Generative Experience (SGE)
• Gen Z’s search behavior and the shift towards Social Discovery

So, do you choose greatness?
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This webinar is organized by Springbok Agency

Presentation by

Bram Mickers - Advertising Specialist at Springbok

45 minutes (30 min + 15 min Q&A)

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