Masterclass Responsible Advertising

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Making sense of Responsible Advertising
Bringing ethics (back) into advertising

Advertising has shaped the internet as we know it today. The upside: you know exactly where your audience hangs out, what they want and need, when they need it, and how you can give it to them. It’s an amazingly effective tool to help people achieve their goals. Drive change. Do great things. The downside: it’s not used for great things alone.

How do you navigate this increasingly complex digital ecosystem with the threat of ad fraud looming, information bubbles plaguing social-media apps, privacy concerns popping up in every corner, algorithms shaping public opinion, and servers blowing up your carbon footprint? That’s exactly what you’ll find out on May 30th.

Making great ads for good
Springbok Strategy Director Youri Harmsen talks about the impact of digital advertising on both marketing and society. About what risks to be aware of as a marketer and how to avoid them. And about how you too can advertise responsibly, minimising your negative impacts on society and driving positive growth.

Sign up now and join Youri as he illustrates the principles of responsible advertising and how you can use them for your brand.

You’ll walk away from this 45’ masterclass knowing…
  • The good, the great and the bad of digital advertising
  • The different ways you can make a positive impact as a brand
  • What responsible advertising is (and isn’t)
  • How you too can shape a sustainable future by making conscious choices

So, do you choose greatness?
​​​​​​​Mark your calendar and register now.
Presentation by
Youri Harmsen - Strategy Director at Springbok Agency

45 minutes (30 min + 15 min Q&A)

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